Day 5 – Got it?

Categories Week 1

Now or Never

Today is the last day of pool exercizes, tomorrow we are done learning how to dive and will begin learning how to work under water.
It’s been quite an intense week for most of the guys, having to learn what most Divemaster trainees learn in a month or more.

… and the longer version is coming soon …

I’m stunned by how well everyone is doing and how calm they manage to perform all the exercises. I honestly don’t know if I would have managed to catch up in such a short time. The instructors are diligently watching us, correcting all the last little mistakes.
It would seem like we’re all divers now. So, let’s add the “commercial” to it.

This all seems Spanish to me…

Since we will start working in the harbour tomorrow, it’s time to get to know the typical harbour layout and with all the terminology. “Holy S*#t! Which one is what thing now?” I have no idea what any of those things are called in any language.
‘Grillete’ – the thing that holds the chain to the ‘Zementblock’ ” my notes are a strange mix of German, English and Spanish. Google translate is becoming my new best friend.

I’m not quite sure what I’m supposed to be doing tomorrow and Ronan’s very sweet attempt to explain it in French doesn’t help much either. Which chain was the one connecting to the main one again? Wait, how many chains and how many ropes are there? I guess I’ll find out on Monday. But for now, I’m quite happy that it’s finally weekend. I’m tired and can’t wait to sleep in tomorrow. Also, I need to look up a few words before the week starts again.

Photographer: Patricia Francisconi, Camera: iPhone 6S